Offshore Development Center Services

Acquire access to a pool of certified and experienced talent
Offshore Development Center

Establish a Scalable Offshore Development Center

Setting up an offshore development center in USA could be the solution. With over 10+ years of experience and technology expertise in the software industry, we can assist you in achieving quick turn-around times, high-quality development, and peace of mind.

Our ODC is talent-focused, scalable, and adaptable. We offer on-site or remote development teams to fulfil your company's needs. This allows you to rapidly scale your team, ensuring that you have the right talent for your development needs.

How We Help

Several leading companies have chosen our Offshore Development Center to streamline their development process and reduce costs. Here's what you can get:

Improve tracking and transparency over your offshore development center for all stages of your development process.

We understand your offshore challenges and provide round-the-clock support as an offshore development company and service provider.

We can analyse your software risks and guide you to overcome them based on our 10+ years of experience as an ODC service provider.

Benefits of VTS Enterprises Offshore Development Center Services

With our Offshore Development Center Services, you can reduce risks while increasing productivity. Profits can be expected while you leave all development concerns to our team, which is talented at handling international clients. Here are some of the benefits of implementing an offshore development center.


We set up low-cost offshore development centres. Reduce your infrastructure and utility costs. When you hire offshore development services, you save a lot of money over hiring in-house teams.

Access to Top Talent

Offshore developers in USA keep up with the latest technological trends in order to provide cutting-edge solutions. Enhance your project team with expert IT professionals to create the best customised solutions for your clients.

No Hiring Vows

Take advantage of talented and experienced developers without the hassle of time-consuming hiring processes. Engage exceptional talent to build robust solutions for your organisation while avoiding issues such as candidate drop-outs, interviews, onboarding processes, and so on.

Scalable Resources

The number and type of resources required by your business may vary depending on the project requirements. When you hire offshore development centre services, you have the freedom to shrink teams or switch roles as your needs change.

Optimized Workloads

Hiring ODC services reduces your workload while maintaining the highest quality. While offshore developers handle every aspect of your project, you can concentrate on your key objectives.

Minimize Risks

Hiring the best offshore development centre services can assist businesses in reducing project risks. The best IT outsourcing company will use best practises and strategies to increase flexibility and decrease downtime.

Our Expertise


Java, Node.js, Python, .NET, DataBase, ReactJS, Laravel, Objective-C, Swift, Ruby, React Native, Kotlin, Ionic.


Augmented Reality, IoT, Chatbots, Machine Learning, Virtual Reality, Blockchain.

Cloud Consulting and DevOps

AWS, Docker, Microsoft Azure, Puppet, Chef, Jenkins.

Industries We Serve

Technology solutions to overcome unique challenges and generate value for businesses in different sectors.

Hospitality & Travel
Real Estate

Getting Involved with VTS Enterprises in India Is Simple and Flexible

VTS Enterprises provides a wide range of choices for establishing offshore centre consoles. Choose the best option for your business objectives.


VTS Enterprises provides top-quality and cost-effective solutions for establishing offshore development centres in USA with infrastructure, development teams, and setups at a fixed price on a Build-Operate-Transfer basis. We monitor the process, impart our expertise, and pass the setup along in collaboration with the client.

ODC – BOT Cost Plus

Aside from salary transparency, setup and other operating costs are disclosed, and a fixed percentage of operational fees is applied. The ODC model also enables you to bring in selected talent to support your team.

IT Staff Augmentation

Improve your existing team by bringing in the right offshore talent for your team and project. To ensure that your work is completed on time, the new ODC team will quickly integrate with your existing team. Your project can be scaled to meet your needs.

Offshore Development FAQ's

What is an Offshore Development Center (ODC)?

An Offshore Development Center (ODC) is a dedicated team of software developers located in a different country, providing services to a client company based in another country. The ODC operates as an extension of the client's in-house team, working collaboratively to deliver software development services.

What are the benefits of using Offshore Development Center (ODC) services?

The benefits of using Offshore Development Center (ODC) services include cost savings, access to a large pool of talented software developers, increased productivity due to the 24/7 work cycle, and access to the latest technologies and tools.

How can I ensure the quality of work delivered by an Offshore Development Center (ODC)?

To ensure the quality of work delivered by an Offshore Development Center (ODC), you should look for a reputable and experienced service provider like Constient with a proven track record of delivering high-quality software development services. You should also establish clear communication channels and project requirements, define milestones and timelines, and regularly review the progress of the project.

How do Offshore Development Center (ODC) services differ from outsourcing services?

Offshore Development Center (ODC) services are a form of outsourcing services where the client company hires a dedicated team of software developers to work on a specific project or set of projects. Unlike traditional outsourcing, Offshore Development Center (ODC) services involve a long-term partnership between the client company and the service provider, with the ODC operating as an extension of the client's in-house team.

How can I get an estimate for Offshore Development Center (ODC) services?

To get an estimate for Offshore Development Center (ODC) services, you should provide detailed project requirements, including the scope, timeline, and expected deliverables. The service provider can then provide a detailed cost breakdown based on the engagement model, team size, and other factors.

Why choose us

Our offshore development company help businesses cut costs, save time, automate operations, increase productivity, and improve efficiency. Choose us as your offshore development services partner to reap these and other advantages.